International Forum of Children's Book Festivals

For those of you related to children's book festivals: festival organisers, publishers, institutions around the world: welcome to our new Forum:
The International Forum of Children’s Book Festivals is a social media group of children’s book festivals around the world.
The group was created after a first video-meeting organised by Mariela Nagle (@Frankfurter Buchmesse, Frankfurt Kids) during the lockdown in many countries. The initial idea was to share experiences of the profound changes for children's book festivals necessitated by the pandemic. Soon, the group realised the powerful possibilities of collaboration: we could exchange experience, knowledge, interests and, join forces to promote acceptance and understanding from a very young age. We could also unite to create more visibility for children's literature and to help children's books cross borders.
Founding members of the group were Flic Festival - Tantagora (Catalunya, Spain), Nambook - Nami Concours (Nami Island, South Korea), Norsk Litteraturfestival (Norway), Bay Area Book Festival (Berkeley CA, USA), Filbita - Filba (Buenos Aires, Argentina), Festivaletteratura (Mantua, Italy), Children‘s Book Island (Vilnius, Lithuania). Other festivals like the Montclair Literary Festival (Montclair NJ, USA), Pop-up Festival UK, Brooklyn Book Festival NY and the Hong Kong International Literary Festival soon joined the Forum.
International Forum of Children's Book Festivals